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Creating Authorization Rule on Azure Notification Hub using PowerShell

Has anyone managed to create an Authorization Rule on either a Notification Hub or Notification Hub Namespace using New-AzNotificationHubAuthorizationRule or New-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceAuthorizationRule? I'm having trouble finding a decent example?

The documentation specifies

   "Name": "ContosoAuthorizationRule",
   "PrimaryKey": "WE4qH0398AyXjlekt56gg1gMR3NHoMs29KkUnnpUk01Y=",
   "Rights": [

Where would the Primary Key come from?

I can't find any examples online except the official docs and they're rather sparse on detail.


  • The primary key is described in the end of Description section:

    The PrimaryKey that is used for authentication, can be randomly generated by using the following Windows PowerShell command: [Convert]::ToBase64String((1..32 |% { [byte/](Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 255) }))

    But note that there is a minor error in the command, you should use [byte] instead of [byte/] in the above code.

    enter image description here

    Then you can use the command New-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceAuthorizationRule to create a namespace level rule:

    enter image description here