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How to add a new row to Smartsheet sheet with Multi-Select Dropdown values?

I'm building a webform that allows a user to create a new row in Smartsheet sheet. It's just a prototype at this stage but the one snag I'm running into is submitting the request where values are for a multi-select dropdown.

I've tried several things

#Attemp 1
new_cell.value = value

#Attemp 2
multival = smart.models.MultiPicklistObjectValue()
multival.values = value
new_cell.object_value = multival

#Attempt 3
multival = smart.models.MultiPicklistObjectValue()
multival.values = np.asarray(value)
new_cell.object_value = multival

Then there's the errors...

#Attempt 1 error: {"response": {"statusCode": 400, "reason": "Bad Request", "content": {"detail": {"index": 0}, "errorCode": 1012, "message": "Required object attribute(s) are missing from your request: cell.value.", "refId": "nbw0ymylrr19"}}}

#Attempt 2 error: {"response": {"statusCode": 400, "reason": "Bad Request", "content": {"errorCode": 5536, "message": "The value "" could not be saved in column "Audience". This column is restricted to PICKLIST values only.", "refId": "71du6l0civ0y"}}}

#Attempt 3 error: ValueError: ("Can't load to TypedList(%s) from '%s'", <class 'str'>, array(['Clinicians', 'Chest pain committee'], dtype='<U20'))

Attempt 3 doesn't even make it past the multival.values assignment.

I've seen a lot of documents on updating rows, querying Smartsheet but I don't see a lot in the ways of Multi-Select values or adding a new row. Has anyone solved this? Or does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?


  • I'm not very familiar with the Smartsheet Python SDK, but it seems like the integration test code in the SDK's GitHub repo might be helpful. The file there contains this code that seems to match your scenario:

    def test_add_multi_picklist_row(self, smart_setup):
            smart = smart_setup['smart']
            mplov = smartsheet.models.MultiPicklistObjectValue({
                'values': ['Bat', 'Cat']
            insert_cell = smartsheet.models.Cell({
                'column_id': smart_setup['multi_picklist_col_id'],
                'object_value': mplov
            row = smart.models.Row({
                'to_top': True,
                'cells': [insert_cell]
            action = smart.Sheets.add_rows(smart_setup['sheet'].id, [row])
            assert action.request_response.status_code == 200

    ** UPDATE - complete proof of concept **

    The following code uses the Smartsheet Python SDK to add a new row to a sheet (containing just 2 cells of data, for simplicity), where one of the cells belongs to a multi-select dropdown column in the sheet.

    # Initialize client. 
    # Uses the API token in the environment variable SMARTSHEET_ACCESS_TOKEN.
    smart = smartsheet.Smartsheet()
    # Define cell object (for the value in the first column) 
    cell1 = smart.models.Cell({
        'column_id': 6101753539127172,
        'object_value': 'new item'
    # Define cell object (for the value in the second column - a multi-select dropdown) 
    cell2 = smart.models.Cell({
        'column_id': 8436269809198980,
        'object_value': smart.models.MultiPicklistObjectValue({'values': ['Blue', 'Green']})
    # Create row that contains the 2 cells defined previously
    row = smart.models.Row({
        'cells': [cell1, cell2]
    # Add row to sheet
    sheetId = 3932034054809476
    result = smart.Sheets.add_rows(sheetId, [row])

    Running this code successfully added the following row to my sheet (specifying 2 values for the multi-select dropdown column):

    enter image description here