I am trying to find the quickest way to delete the data from my Table. My logic is to only have the latest 2 days of data within Table1 for a given Lot_ID and ID is a unique Primary Key in the Table.
My data isn't much but it still takes me around 8-9 mins for the below query execution.
select t.ID
from (select t1.*,
DENSE_RANK() over (partition by Lot_ID order by TRY_CONVERT(DATE, DATEADD(second, t1.starttime, '19700101') )
desc) as seqnum
from Table1 t1
) t
where seqnum >2
DELETE Table1 WHERE EXISTS(select 1 from CTE where CTE.ID = Table1.ID )
Is there a fastest or a better approach to do this?
You could try and delete directly from the cte rather than reopening the table:
with cte as(
select dense_rank() over (
partition by lot_id
order by try_convert(date, dateadd(second, t1.starttime, '19700101')) desc
) as seqnum
from table1 t1
delete from cte where seqnum > 2
Your query suggests that startime
is an epoch timestamp (so an int
datatype), so another possible optimization is to use arithmetics rather than date conversion:
with cte as(
select dense_rank() over (
partition by lot_id
order by t1.starttime / 60 / 60 / 24 desc
) as seqnum
from table1 t1
delete from cte where seqnum > 2
If none of that helps, then you might want to consider inversing the logic: that is, moving the records you want to retain to a temporary table, then tuncating and refilling the original table.