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String Only For oddly formatted password

Ok, I have a lot of passwords that are oddly formatted that needs to be passed a raw string. I know to use the ' to force any $ from activating. However, some of these passwords have ' inside of them. So, How would I go about raw stringing them data? Example of one of the passwords I am struggling with:


Notice the $^ This will trigger "userpassword" to appear inside the script. If I use a ' at the front, it stops at the ' before the K. Any ideas what to do?


  • Normally you'd escape special characters with a backtick. However for single quote just double it up.




    Note that if you're taking input from a user say with Read-Host - they do not need to escape it.

    $var = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Password"
    Enter Password: |4255a7]'KbuSkaiC$^&#{/d}nV41L8#*B?,3pevv