I have a vue mixin that stores information (world
in below example), I'd like to access in several vue components, without explicitly importing it every time.
Here's the example:
<li>Hello {{ world }}</li>
<li>{{ greeting }}</li>
<li>{{ greeting2 }}</li>
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Mixins, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'
class MyMixin extends Vue {
world = 'world'
export default class Home extends Mixins(Vue, MyMixin) {
greeting = 'Hello ' + this.world
greeting2 = ''
created() {
this.greeting2 = 'Hello ' + this.world
The page shows:
1. Hello world
2. Hello undefined
3. Hello world
Why is 2nd not working? Is this by design? Any better idea to circumvent that than 3.?
This is not related to mixins this is by the design of classes, a property doesn't know the other one in declaration, but you could define greeting
as computed property :
export default class Home extends Mixins(Vue, MyMixin) {
greeting2 = ''
get greeting (){
return 'Hello ' + this.world
created() {
this.greeting2 = 'Hello ' + this.world