I have the following UrlMapping in my Grails UrlMappings class:
"/$something/" {
controller = "controllerName"
action = "actionName"
constraints {
Requests to both "/foobar/" and "/foobar" gets routed to the correct controller and action.
However, URL:s created using g:link does not end with slash ("/") as expected.
The GSP code ...
<g:link controller="controllerName" action="actionName" params="[something: 'foobar']">...</g:link>
... generates the HTML output ...
<a href="/foobar">...</a>
How do I make Grails generate the link as specified by the URL pattern? That is including the ending slash.
Unfortunately this is not possible with Grails' default URL mapping. Slashes are handled in a special way. And this behaviour is hard-coded in the Grails core. It could be overridden using a plugin though.
As a workaround (probably not applicable) I can provide to use it that way:
<g:link uri="/foobar/">Foo Link</g:link>
This should produce a link with a trailing slash.