I am working on angular 11 which uses httpClient method to download files from the server. This works fine for small size files. But for large files (approx 1GB), the download takes a lot of time although I get a link in the console.log (something like https://999.99.999.99:99999/DownloadFileServlet?filename=/tmp/ab/1607023356995.tar) after some seconds. If I click on this link, the download would start immediately, but otherwise, it would take a lot of time.
Here is my code:
.subscribe(blob => {
saveAs(blob, 'new_file_name');
this.isContentLoading = false;
err => {
this.isContentLoading = false;
const message: LogMessage = {severity: Severity.ERROR, message: "Download not finished"};
download(fileName: string): Observable<Blob> {
return this.https.get(`https://${this.environment.path}/ab/DownloadFileServlet?
responseType: "blob",
withCredentials: true,
reportProgress: true
Please share your experience with how can I efficiently download large files with this method.
So, instead of using the httpClient, if I directly provide the download link to window.location.href like:
return window.location.href = https://${this.environment.path}/DownloadFileServlet?filename=${fileName}
The download starts much faster. Though I am sure if this is the proper solution, would be happy to know a better idea if there is.