IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #MyTable
create table #MyTable (PolNo varchar(50), ControlNo int, PrevControlNo int, Premim money)
insert into #MyTable values ('Policy-00', 5000, NULL, 1000),
('Policy-01', 6000, 5000, 3200),
('Policy-02', 7000, 6000, 4500),
('Policy-03', 8000, 7000, 3800)
select * from #MyTable
Raw output looks like this:
Using the recursive CTE is it possible to get the result like below?
I tried something like this, but it basically gives me the same result:
;with cte as (
select m.PolNo, m.ControlNo, PrevControlNo, 1 as lvl
from #MyTable m
union all
select c.PolNo, c.ControlNo, c.PrevControlNo, c.lvl+1
from cte c
inner join #MyTable m ON m.ControlNo = c.PrevControlNo
where c.PrevControlNo IS NULL
select cte.PolNo, ControlNo, PrevControlNo
from cte
is enough for single level:
FROM #MyTable m1
LEFT JOIN #MyTable m2
ON m2.ControlNo = m1.PrevControlNo;