I am using the plupload in a mvc site and would like to upload a single file as soon as it is selected. I set autostart of the uploader control to true but this does not activate the upload. I also tried calling uploader.start();
in the 'filesadded' delegate of the uploader but this only works on the second file I try to upload. I am using plupload without the UI widget. Here's my code:
var uploader = new plupload.Uploader({
runtimes: 'gears,html5,flash,silverlight,browserplus',
browse_button: 'pickfiles',
autostart : true,
max_file_size: '10mb',
url: '/Event/Upload',
resize: { width: 320, height: 240, quality: 90 },
flash_swf_url: '/Scripts/pl/plupload.flash.swf',
silverlight_xap_url: '/Scripts/pl/plupload.silverlight.xap',
filters: [
{ title: "Image files", extensions: "jpg,gif,png" },
{ title: "Zip files", extensions: "zip" }
uploader.bind('Init', function (up, params) {
$('#filelist')[0].innerHTML = "<div>Current runtime: " + params.runtime + "</div>";
uploader.bind('Error', function (up, err) {
$('#filelist').append("<div>Error: " + err.code +
", Message: " + err.message +
(err.file ? ", File: " + err.file.name : "") +
uploader.bind('FilesAdded', function (up, files) {
for (var i in files) {
$('#filelist')[0].innerHTML += '<div id="' + files[i].id + '">' + files[i].name + ' (' + plupload.formatSize(files[i].size) + ') <b></b></div>';
$('#uploadfiles').click(function (e) {
uploader.bind('UploadProgress', function (up, file) {
$('#' + file.id)[0].getElementsByTagName('b')[0].innerHTML = '<span>' + file.percent + "%</span>";
In your FilesAdded event change uploader.start(); to setTimeout('uploader.start()', 100);