i'm doing a web scraping bot thanks to puppeteer, and i want to verify a field of a dataLayer on some url thanks to cloud functions on Google Cloud Plateform.
right now i'm using the await page.$('dataLayer')
and it return a "true", so it find the dataLayer.
there is the dataLayer on my browser (not puppeteer)
my code:
exports.datalayer = async(page) => {
//verfify if there is a dataLayer
let dl = await page.$('dataLayer')
if(dl =! null){
console.log('DataLayer found')
//want to do something like that
for(let key in dl){
let value = dl[key]
console.log('key: ' + key + ' value: ' + value)
//or like that
dl.forEach(element => {
console.log('error with the dataLayer')
In order to catch the OnetrustActiveGroups data.
when i do the forEach method i get this error:
and for the for method i get this error:
better use the page.evaluate('dataLayer')
then stringify it or use it as you want :)
and with the evaluate the for(let item in dl)
works fine !