In Jenkins Pipeline i want return a value from powershell to pipeline but i dont know how
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Return Value') {
steps {
string(name: 'Value1'),
powershell '''
parameters for conection ...
extra parameters ....
$resultQuery= Invoke-Sqlcmd @conection -QueryTimeout 0 -ErrorAction Stop
$value1 = $resultQuery.code <# 1000 #>
$message = $resultQuery.message <# Some message #>
stage('Another Step') {
steps {
//I want ... if ($value1 <= 1000)
// do something
Then i want return out of the powershell script the $value1 for use it in another step.
i try with $ENV but doesn't work
$ENV:Value1 = $resultQuery.code
any idea??
If you have a powershell script that just outputs the single piece of text you want, then you can use the returnStdout
param to get that value back to the pipeline script:
steps {
script {
env.MY_RESULT = powershell(returnStdout: true, script:'echo hi')
echo "${env.MY_RESULT}" // prints "hi"
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