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RaFormInput width always seems to be 256px

I have the below tabbed form and no matter what I set as far as content (grids, boxes, etc) the width of the parent form is always 256px

The html element is MuiContainer-root RaFormInput-input-61 but its always the RaFormInput with this limit. Is there something obvious I am missing here?

<Edit {...props} title={<ClientTitle />}>
    <FormTab label="details">
      <Container maxWidth={false}>
        <Grid container className={classes.root} spacing={2}>
          <Grid container direction="row">
            <Typography variant="h6" gutterBottom>
          <Grid container direction="row" justify="flex-start" alignItems="center" spacing={2}>
            <Grid item>
              <TextInput source="firstname" resource="clients" validate={requiredValidate} fullWidth />
            <Grid item>
              <TextInput source="lastname" resource="clients" validate={requiredValidate} fullWidth />
    <FormTab label="referrals">
      <AddNewReferralButton record={props.record} />
      <ReferenceManyField reference="referrals" target="clientid" addLabel={false}>
          <TextField label="Name" source="name" />
          <TextField label="Status" source="status" />
          <EditButton />


  • Yes, you are.

    SimpleForm docs state that:

    The <SimpleForm> renders its child components line by line (within

    components). It accepts **Input** and **Field** components as children.

    TabbedForm section underneath in the docs explains that it has the same behaviour as the SimpleForm except:

    However, the component renders inputs grouped by tab.

    The Mui Container / Grid /Box components are not ra-inputs nor ra-fields. What you are trying to do is build a custom form layout which is achieved through the FormWithRedirect component read here or you can do it entirely by your own following react-final-form docs.