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Java serialization disabled for EventSourcedBehaviorTestKit

I am trying out EventSourcedBehaviorTestKit using documentation as a guidance. I used following configuration ScalaTestWithActorTestKit(EventSourcedBehaviorTestKit.config) which uses DisableJavaSerializer due to = off which requires me to override the config in order to test without having to specify serializer. Currently I am having to do below in order to use JavaSerializer. Is this behavior expected? What is an expected configuration for this type of test?

    class SomeSpec extends ScalaTestWithActorTestKit(
      ConfigFactory.parseString(""" = off = on


  • You can simplify the config a bit by using:

        class SomeSpec extends ScalaTestWithActorTestKit(
          ConfigFactory.parseString(" = on")

    That Config is internally passed to ActorTestKit's constructor so any configuration you need you should add here. I use this to set Jackson serializer in my test.