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Set focus on p-inputNumber

I open a p-dialog with a p-inputNumber inside, but I don't manage to set focus on it.

I tried to put autofocus, as you see, but it doesn't work. The focus remains on the button I pressed to open the dialog. How can I do? Thanks.

<p-dialog header="Title" [(visible)]="displayModal" [modal]="true" [style]="{width: '40vw'}"
  [baseZIndex]="10000" [draggable]="false" [resizable]="false" [closable]="false">
  <p class="p-m-0">
    <p-inputNumber size=3 [(ngModel)]="field" maxlength="3" autofocus></p-inputNumber>
  <ng-template pTemplate="footer">
    <button >Ok</button>


  • First, add a reference to your input in order to manipulate it from typescript via a ViewChild:

    <p-inputNumber size=3 [(ngModel)]="field" maxlength="3" #input></p-inputNumber>


    @ViewChild("input") elm;

    Then, set the focus to this input once the dialog shows up by using onShow method:



    setFocus() {

    See demo