Note: I have solved this problem using a brute force double for loop. I need a faster and more efficient way of solving it in C# specifically.
Consider the Word table below.
I need an efficient method of finding a given column and a given row and placing text in the intersecting cell. For example lets say I'm given 1 as my column and A as my row. Then the text would go into the cell with the index row:2,col:2.
Things I have tried:
Iterating over all the rows and columns. This is slow and takes a significant amount of time.
To speed it up I attempted to use Range.Find
but struggled to know where the found cell was in the context of the table. Here is some rough code of what I was thinking. I am well aware this is missing checks if the items arent found or if there are multiple but I can deal with that later.
int col;
int row;
var searchRange = table.Range;
var isFound = searchRange.Find.Execute(FindText:rowText);
var searchRange = table.Range;
var isFound = searchRange.Find.Execute(FindText:rowText);
table.Cell(row, col).Text = "Some text For Desired Location";
This is exactly what you want. Paste it into a VBA module, first select outside a table and F8 through the code. Next make the mouse cursor select a cell in the table and then F8 through this code:
Sub SelectionInfo()
Dim iSelectionRowEnd As Integer
Dim iSelectionRowStart As Integer
Dim iSelectionColumnEnd As Integer
Dim iSelectionColumnStart As Integer
Dim lngStart As Long
Dim lngEnd As Long
' Check if Selection IS in a table
' if not, exit Sub after message
If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) = False Then
MsgBox "Selection is not in a table. Exiting macro."
lngStart = Selection.Range.Start
lngEnd = Selection.Range.End
' get the numbers for the END of the selection range
iSelectionRowEnd = Selection.Information(wdEndOfRangeRowNumber)
iSelectionColumnEnd = Selection.Information(wdEndOfRangeColumnNumber)
' collapse the selection range
Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart
' get the numbers for the END of the selection range
' now of course the START of the previous selection
iSelectionRowStart = Selection.Information(wdEndOfRangeRowNumber)
iSelectionColumnStart = Selection.Information(wdEndOfRangeColumnNumber)
' RESELECT the same range
Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=lngEnd - lngStart
' display the range of cells covered by the selection
MsgBox "The selection covers " & Selection.Cells.Count & " cells, from Cell(" & _
iSelectionRowStart & "," & iSelectionColumnStart & ") to Cell(" & _
iSelectionRowEnd & "," & iSelectionColumnEnd & ")."
End If
End Sub