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Nomad cannot pull other images if credential helper is in place

I am trying to pull images from my ecr repository as well as from dockerhub using Nomad. The problem is that if I don't pull those images myself, Nomad won't pull them and will complain with the error:

Failed to find docker auth for repo "envoyproxy/envoy": docker-credential-ecr-login with input "envoyproxy/envoy" failed with stderr: exit status 1

It will easily pull the ECR images, but those images required for sidecars or non-ecr images deployed by me, for example postgres, won't be pulled with same error. Did anybody else encounter same issue?


  • I had this same issue, I'm not sure if there's a way around it if you're just using this stanza:

    plugin "docker" {
      config {
        auth {
          helper = "ecr-login"

    Alternatively, I set this:

    plugin "docker" {
      config {
        auth {
          config = "/opt/docker.json"

    And then populated the file at /opt/docker.json with the following values:

      "credHelpers": {
        "": "ecr-login"
      "auths": {
        "": {}

    Replace 000000000000 with your aws account id and us-west-2 with your region.