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can't remove element from list although it exists - Reversi

I'm trying to write a simple Reversi game in Python.

In my code have two main lists:

takenred - which contains the places occupied by the red player

takenblue - which contains the places occupied by the blue player

After every move of a player I update those lists to contain the updated locations of each player

Here is my problem:

When I run the code with the input:




I get an error message that says that the last index wasn't found in the list and thus it can't be removed..

What I tried so far was to play with the indents in the for loops because the rest of the code seems right to me.

My code:

import numpy as np
import math

def isfull(board):
    for i in range(0, 4):
        for j in range(0, 4):
            if board[i][j] == 'e':
                return False
    return True

def main():
    board = np.empty([4, 4], dtype=str)
    for t in range(0, 4):
        for n in range(0, 4):
            board[t, n] = 'e'
    board[1, 1] = 'R'
    board[1, 2] = 'B'
    board[2, 1] = 'B'
    board[2, 2] = 'R'
    takenblue = [[1, 2], [2, 1]]
    takenred = [[1, 1], [2, 2]]
    player = str(input('input player R or B: '))
    otherplayer = 'e'
    while isfull(board) == False:
        if player == 'R':
            otherplayer = 'B'
            otherplayer = 'R'
        loc = list(input(player + 'loc '))
        for i in range(0, 2):
            loc[i] = int(loc[i], base=10)
        if player == 'R':
            if board[loc[0], loc[1]]=='e':
                for j in takenred:
                    if (loc[0] == j[0] or loc[1] == j[1] or abs(loc[1] - j[1]) == abs(loc[0] - j[0]) or abs(
                            loc[1] - j[1]) == abs(j[0] - loc[0])):
                        if (board[math.floor((loc[0] + j[0]) // 2), math.floor((loc[1] + j[1]) // 2)] == otherplayer):
                            board[math.floor((loc[0] + j[0]) // 2), math.floor((loc[1] + j[1]) // 2)] = player
                            board[loc[0], loc[1]] = player
                            toswitch1 = [math.floor((loc[0] + j[0]) // 2), math.floor((loc[1] + j[1]) // 2)]
            print('R: ', takenred)
            print('B: ', takenblue)

        if player == 'B':
            if board[loc[0], loc[1]]=='e':
                for t in takenblue:
                    if (loc[0] == t[0] or loc[1] == t[1] or abs(loc[1] - t[1]) == abs(loc[0] - t[0]) or abs(
                            loc[1] - t[1]) == abs(t[0] - loc[0])):
                        if(board[math.floor((loc[0] + t[0]) // 2), math.floor((loc[1] + t[1]) // 2)] == otherplayer):
                            board[math.floor((loc[0] + t[0]) // 2), math.floor((loc[1] + t[1]) // 2)] = player
                            board[loc[0], loc[1]] = player
                            toswitch2 = [math.floor((loc[0] + t[0]) // 2), math.floor((loc[1] + t[1]) // 2)]
            print('B: ', takenblue)
            print('R: ', takenred)
        if player == 'B':
            player = 'R'
            otherplayer = 'B'
            player = 'B'
            otherplayer = 'R'

if __name__ == '__main__':

Any help would be welcomed!


[['e' 'e' 'e' 'e']
 ['e' 'R' 'B' 'e']
 ['e' 'B' 'R' 'e']
 ['e' 'e' 'e' 'e']]
input player R or B: R
Rloc 02
[1, 2]
R:  [[1, 1], [2, 2], [1, 2], [0, 2]]
B:  [[2, 1]]
[['e' 'e' 'R' 'e']
 ['e' 'R' 'R' 'e']
 ['e' 'B' 'R' 'e']
 ['e' 'e' 'e' 'e']]
Bloc 23
[2, 2]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "x:/xxx/xxx/xxx/", line 78, in <module>
  File "x:/x/xxx/xxx/", line 63, in main
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

Process finished with exit code 1


  • There are several problems I identified:

    • You try to modify the lists takenred and takenblue on which you are iterating on. This a classical mistake and the reason of your error. You should iterate on a copy of the lists if you intend to remove or add elements.
    • The remove and append instruction for the players seem not indented enough. They should be done within the last if statement for each player, i.e. when a location should flip from a player to another.
    • The detection of the locations to flip is buggy. Sometimes you miss locations, for instance when there are 2 locations to flip.

    Here is a modified version of the script. I split the different parts into dedicated functions to make it easier to understand. The buggy detection of locations to flip is in the coords_to_flip function. This function should return a list of coords to flip.

    import numpy as np
    import math
    import itertools
    def isfull(board):
        for (i, j) in itertools.product(range(4), repeat=2):
            if board[i][j] == 'e':
                return False
        return True
    def canflip(played_row, played_col, current_row, current_col):
        return played_row == current_row \
            or played_col == current_col \
            or abs(played_col - current_col) == abs(played_row - current_row) \
            or abs(played_col - current_col) == abs(current_row - played_row)
    def coords_to_flip(played_row, played_col, current_row, current_col):
        return math.floor((played_row + current_row) // 2), math.floor((played_col + current_col) // 2)
    def main():
        board = np.empty([4, 4], dtype=str)
        for (t, n) in itertools.product(range(4), repeat=2):
            board[t, n] = 'e'
        board[1, 1] = 'R'
        board[1, 2] = 'B'
        board[2, 1] = 'B'
        board[2, 2] = 'R'
        takenblue = [[1, 2], [2, 1]]
        takenred = [[1, 1], [2, 2]]
        toswitch1 = []
        toswitch2 = []
        player = ''
        while player.upper() not in ('R', 'B'):
            player = str(input('Starting player R or B: '))
        player = player.upper()
        otherplayer = 'e'
        while not isfull(board):
            if player == 'R':
                otherplayer = 'B'
                otherplayer = 'R'
            loc = []
            while len(loc) != 2:
                loc = list(input(player + 'loc (2 digits)'))
            loc = [int(val) for val in loc]
            row, col = loc
            if board[row, col] != 'e':
                print('Coord (%d,%d) not possible, already taken by %s' % (row, col, board[row, col]))
                player, otherplayer = otherplayer, player
            print('row:', row)
            print('col:', col)
            if player == 'R':
                for redrow, redcol in takenred[::]:
                    if canflip(row, col, redrow, redcol):
                        taken_row, taken_col = coords_to_flip(row, col, redrow, redcol)
                        if (board[taken_row, taken_col] == otherplayer):
                            board[taken_row, taken_col] = player
                            board[row, col] = player
                            toswitch1 = [taken_row, taken_col]
                            print('takenblue:', takenblue)
                            print('toswitch1:', toswitch1)
                print('R: ', takenred)
                print('B: ', takenblue)
            if player == 'B':
                for bluerow, bluecol in takenblue[::]:
                    if canflip(row, col, bluerow, bluecol):
                        taken_row, taken_col = coords_to_flip(row, col, bluerow, bluecol)
                        if(board[taken_row, taken_col] == otherplayer):
                            board[taken_row, taken_col] = player
                            board[row, col] = player
                            toswitch2 = [taken_row, taken_col]
                            print('takenred:', takenred)
                            print('toswitch2:', toswitch2)
                print('B: ', takenblue)
                print('R: ', takenred)
            player, otherplayer = otherplayer, player
    if __name__ == '__main__':