I have two strings that I want to combine to get the file path to be used in a PROC IMPORT statement in SAS
%let TypeName = XYZ;
%let InputDirectory = \\Nam1\Nam2\Nam3\Dataset\;
%let FileType = Filing.csv;
%let Filename = &TypeName&FileType;
%put &Filename;
%let CompInputDirect = &InputDirectory&Filename;
PROC IMPORT DATAFILE= %sysfunc(&CompInputDirect)
OUT= outdata
I get an error message saying that
ERROR: Function name missing in %SYSFUNC or %QSYSFUNC macro function reference.
How do I put a macro variable containing the full file path in the Proc Import statement? Thanks in advance.
I reckon you meant to use QUOTE function.
Or you can supply your own quotes.