I want to implement a constraint depending on the change of values in my binary decision variable, x
, over "time".
I am trying to implement a minimum operating time constraint for a unit commitment optimization problem for power systems. x
is representing the unit activation where 0
and 1
show that a power unit, n
, at a certain time, t
, respectively is shut off or turned on.
For this, indicator constraints seem to be a promising solution and with the inspiration of a similar problem the implementation seemed quite straightforward.
So, since boolean operators are introduced (!
and ¬
), I prematurely wanted to express the change in a boolean way:
@constraint(m, xx1[n=1:N,t=2:T], (!x[n,t-1] && x[n,t]) => {next(t, 1) + next(t, 2) == 2})
Saying: if unit was deactivated before but now is on, then demand the unit to be active for the next 2 times.
Where next(t, i) = x[((t - 1 + i) % T) + 1]
I got the following error:
LoadError: MethodError: no method matching !(::VariableRef)
Closest candidates are:
!(!Matched::Missing) at missing.jl:100
!(!Matched::Bool) at bool.jl:33
!(!Matched::Function) at operators.jl:896
I checked that the indicator constraint is working properly with a single term only.
Question: Is this possible or is there another obvious solution?
Troubleshooting and workarounds: I have tried the following (please correct me if my diagnosis is wrong):
. I have found a solution but it is quite sketchy, which is documented in a Julia discourse. The immediate problem, found from the solution, is that indicator constraints do not work as bi-implication but only one way, LHS->RHS
. Please see the proper approach given by @Oscar Dowson.You can get the working code from github.
The trick is to find constraint(s) that have an equivalent truth-table:
# Like
(!x[1] && x[2]) => {z == 1}
# Is equivalent to:
z >= -x[1] + x[2]
# Proof
-x[1] + x[2] = sum <= z
- 0 + 0 = 0 <= 0
- 1 + 0 = -1 <= 0
- 0 + 1 = 1 <= 1
- 1 + 1 = 0 <= 0
I was recommended MOSEK Modeling Cookbook to help working out the correct formulation of constraints.
See eventually the thread here from where I got the answer for further details.