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DRYing up a helper: wrap form_for and access local form variable

I am trying to DRY up a bunch of forms code that has a repeating set of fields appearing at the end of each form. I wrote a helper that wraps around the form_for rails helper. But I'm starting to get lost in all the different scopes that are flying around...

My helper goes something like this:

def simple_form_helper(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc)
    options = ... # overriding some options, not relevant
    form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *(args << options.merge(:option => "blah")) , &proc)

    # i wish to access  &proc and append the call to render 
    # to within &procs scope (to access block local variable)
    concat render('shared/forms/submit')     # this obv does not work


in shared/forms/_submit.erb i have bunch of fields and submit buttons that are common to a bunch of models. So I want this to be rendered from within form_for's scope so that there is access to f.

 f.text_field :foo
 f.hidden_field :bar
 f.submit "Save"

The idea is to use it like so in the views:

simple_form_helper :object do |f|
  f.text_field :name
  f.text_field :description
  f.text_field :other_field
  # want common fields and submit button appended here

  # I could just call render("shared/forms/submit") here
  # but that does not seem very DRY. Or am I too unreasonable?

So it functions like the good old form_for: makes a form for some :object with fields specific to it. And then appends the partial with fields that are common across a bunch of models.

Is there a way to accomplish that? Perhaps, there's a better way?



  • pretty sure this would work

    def simple_form_helper(record_or_name_or_array, *args)
       options = ... # overriding some options, not relevant
       form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *(args << options.merge(:option => "blah"))) do |f|
           yield f if block_given?
           concat f.text_field :foo
           concat f.hidden_field :bar
           concat f.submit "Save"  

    and you can also call simple_form_helper :object without a block if you don't need to add any fields