So, I'm making a function like
example <- function(x, y){
z <- data.frame("variable name" = y, "Quantity of 1" = sum(x==1, na.rm = TRUE))
eval(as.character(y)) <<- z
list <- sample(c(0,1), size = 12, replace = TRUE)
If I evaluate my function using
example(list, "list")
It gives me an
error in eval(as.character(y)) <<- z: object 'y' not found
I want the function to give me a variable which I could find by the name I pass on it (as "Y") given that I'll have to work using the same procedures multiples times.
I think you are looking for assign
example <- function(x, y){
z <- data.frame("variable name" = y, "Quantity of 1" = sum(x==1, na.rm = TRUE))
assign(y, z, envir = parent.frame())
list <- sample(c(0,1), size = 12, replace = TRUE)
example(list, "list")
#> Quantity.of.1
#> 1 list 5
However, please note that this is not a great idea. You should try to avoid writing functions that can over-write objects in the global environment (or other calling frame) as this can have unintended consequences and is not idiomatic R.
It would be better to have:
example <- function(x, y){
data.frame("variable name" = y, "Quantity of 1" = sum(x==1, na.rm = TRUE))
and do
list <- example(list, "list")
or, better yet:
example <- function(x){
data.frame("variable name" = deparse(substitute(x)),
"Quantity of 1" = sum(x==1, na.rm = TRUE))
So you can just do:
list <- example(list)
Furthermore, it is a good idea to avoid using a common function name like list
as a variable name.