I'm following the book "Computer-age Calculus with R" but cannot run the function slice_plot( which is the first one used for graphing functions). The library mosaic, mosaicCalc and mosaicModel are installed. I don't know what I'm missing.
this is the code with the libraries required by the book:
drug_remaining <- function(dose, duration, time_constant){
dose * exp(-duration / time_constant)
drug_remaining(dose = 100, time_constant = 4, duration = t) ~ t,
domain(t = 0:20))
I've found the function slice_plot() and countour_plot() are still in development in a beta version of the mosaicCalc package, to use them we need to install the beta version running this code:
remotes::install_github("ProjectMOSAIC/mosaicCalc", ref="beta")