The Azure documentation Protect your content with Media Services dynamic encryption mentions a Media Services key delivery service, which creates Content Keys for secure access and can be replaced by a custom service.
In Media Services v3, a content key is associated with Streaming Locator (see this example). If using the Media Services key delivery service, you can let Azure Media Services generate the content key for you. The content key should be generated yourself if you're using you own key delivery service, or if you need to handle a high availability scenario where you need to have the same content key in two data centers.
I couldn't find any details about the Media Services key delivery service itself or about replacing it with a custom implementation.
Where can I find more details about the Media Services key delivery service?
The Key Delivery service is an integrated part of the Media Services dynamic encryption service.
There are two extensibility points. You can plug in a custom Secure Token Service (STS) for token authentication, per the same document that you linked to. You can also provide a content key if you are using your own key delivery service. That is outlined in the section on custom key and license acquisition URL support:
The two replaceable fields in the templates are there so that you can share your streaming policy across many assets instead of creating a streaming policy per asset.
I believe we have a sample REST call in the Open API documentation for creating a Streaming Policy here: