How could I have my Label fire a Signal at the moment when there is no text in it (the last remaining character has just been erased and the label is empty) and when a first character is written into the empty label (so it's not empty anymore)?
Both if text.empty():
and if not text.empty():
work when I "actively" look for the actual state, say, by pressing a connected button, but I can't figure out how I could make the Label emit such a signal "actively" on its own when changing to said state. How could this be done?
Well, kleonc via reddit just slipped me this (thanks a million!):
You can create your own signal in the label's script. You can override _set method in where you can check if the text property is being changed and do something based on the new value. Something like this should work:
extends Label
signal textChanged(newText)
func _set(property, value):
match property:
if text != value:
text = value
emit_signal("textChanged", value)
return true
return false
and then you can just connect some methods to that signal:
# ...
yourLabel.connect("textChanged", self, "onLabelTextChanged")
# ...
func onLabelTextChanged(newText):
yourEraseButton.disabled = newText.empty()