I have been told that I can write a results section for a paper on Markdown. So say I want to get the value Robust_t_time_1
which I have derived in my R code section:
```{r fig.width=4, fig.height=4, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE,
warning=FALSE, include = TRUE}
coefs.robust <- data.frame(coef(summary(model_robust)))
t_values.robust1 <- coefs.robust$t.value
Robust_t_time_1 <- t_values.robust1[3]
And I am writing in the text section of Markdown and I want to quote this value. How do I refer to it? I have been trying t = {r} Robust_t_time_1
. This does not work. I know it should be possible.
To evaluate the value you have to use back ticks in the text: "t = `r Robust_t_time_1`"
You can also render it as an inline equation in the text by using dollar signs: "$t = `r Robust_t_time_1`$"