i have this json array code in php
$url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?location=-6.893238,107.604273&radius=100&type=point_of_interest&keyword=oleh-oleh&key=mykey";
$data = file_get_contents($url);
$json = json_decode($data);
$i = 0;
$results = array_map(function($result) use (&$i) {
return array ("id" => ++$i , "longitude" => $result->geometry->location->lng, "latitude" => $result->geometry->location->lat, "description" => $result->vicinity, "name" => $result->name);
}, $json->results);
$results = explode('","', $results);
echo json_encode($results);
Which gives me array values like this :
[{"id":18,"longitude":107.6123014,"latitude":-6.897495399999999,"name":"Kaos Oleh Oleh Khas Bandung & Kaos Otomotif"}]
How can I add double quotes on lat and long like this :
[{"id":18,"longitude":"107.6123014","latitude":"-6.897495399999999","name":"Kaos Oleh Oleh Khas Bandung & Kaos Otomotif"}]
i tried explode with this code
$results = explode('","', $results);
but it gives me warning : warning explode() expects parameter 2
Thanks in advance for the help
cast to string
$results = array_map(function($result) use (&$i) {
return array (
"id" => ++$i ,
"longitude" => (string) $result->geometry->location->lng,
"latitude" => (string) $result->geometry->location->lat,
"description" => $result->vicinity,
"name" => $result->name
}, $json->results);