I am trying to dynamically build the tabs and the tables under each of those tabs. I referred to this project for dynamic tables for the dynamic table.
This is my repo - https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-9-material-starter-r6di58?file=src%2Fapp%2Ftable%2Ftable.component.ts
I am not really sure if the way I am passing the table data as an async stream is working. In my program, I have two tabs - Employee, Manager and each of the tabs has a table under it. Each table has its own sorter, pagination, and search. Search word is passed to the component.
The root of your problem is that you are not passing the correct inputs to your component.
In tab.component.html
you can use the async
pipe to get the column and row arrays from your observables that your app-table
component expects. Then, refer to each section using the tab name. You could use an index or enum instead, but your structure would need to support it.
<ng-container *ngIf="{row: (rowData$ | async), col: (colData$ | async)} as data">
<app-table [row]="data.row[tab.tabName]" [columns]="data.col[tab.tabName]" [search]='filters'>
Also, in table.component.html
adding *ngIf="dataSource"
to your mat-table
tag will help clean up errors getting thrown before your dataSource
is set.
I have some of your example working here: stackblitz