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The SAS way to loop over a table outside a data step

I am wondering what is the cleanest way how to perform a macro loop over a data table outside a data step in order to e.g. read in files from the table have and do some complex analysis for each of the files.

Assume we have a table have containing a set of file names and other meta data:

N  filename  purpose
1  foo.xls   Blue team data
2  bar.xls   Read team data

I was thinking of something like

%local lines current_file current_purpose;

proc sql noprint;
   select count(*) into: lines from have;

%do I=1 %to &lines.;
   %put --- Process file number &I. ---;
   data _null_;
      set have;
      if _n_=&I. then do;
        call symput('current_file',filename);
        call symput('current_purpose',purpose);
   %put --- &current_file. contains &purpose.;
   /* Here comes the actual analysis */ 

Is this the way how to do it? For me, this does not look like the simplest way.

Related questions:


  • So if you defined a macro name ANALYSIS with input parameters FILENAME and PURPOSE.

    %macro analysis(filename,purpose);
      /* Here comes the actual analysis */ 
      title &purpose ;
      proc import datafile="&filename" ....

    Then you can use a data step to generate one call to the macro for each observation. You can use CALL EXECUTE, but I find it clearer and easier to debug to just write the code to a file and then %INCLUDE it. Especially when the parameter name matches the variable name in the metadata being used to drive the code generation.

    So this step :

    filename code temp;
    data _null_;
       set have;
       file code;
       put '%analysis(' filename= ',' purpose= :$quote. ')' ;

    Will generate a program like:

    %analysis(filename=foo.xls,purpose="Blue team data")
    %analysis(filename=bar.xls,purpose="Red team data")

    Which you can then run using

    %include code / source2;