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Dagger2 Found Dependency Cycle Android

Im learning and newer to Dagger2 and stuck in the issue where I need to use both @Provides and @Binds in a Module. but its giving error

[Dagger/DependencyCycle] Found a dependency cycle:
 public interface CarComponent{
      com.stupido.daggertutorial.Engine is injected at
      com.stupido.daggertutorial.Engine is injected at
          com.stupido.daggertutorial.CarModule.providesCar(engine, …)
      com.stupido.daggertutorial.Car is requested at

before I was using @Provides it worked fine but with combination I get above issue.


@Component(modules = CarModule.class)
 public interface CarComponent{
    //constructor injection
    Car getCar();


public abstract class CarModule {
    abstract Wheels bindsWheels(Wheels wheels);

    abstract Engine bindsEngine(Engine engine);

     static Car providesCar(Engine engine,Wheels wheels){
        return new Car(wheels,engine);


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        CarComponent carComponent = DaggerCarComponent.create();
        Car car = carComponent.getCar();


  • @Binds is usually for the case when you have some inherited class and its interface and you want dagger to know this and be able to inject the interface. Usually you'd have

    abstract Engine bindsEngine(DieselEngine dieselEngine);

    and then you can just inject engine without knowing the implementation detail (it's diesel engine).

    In your case, if you remove both @Binds methods, it should start working (if there's no other issue).