I am trying to use RSelenium with Opera (Version 72). I already downloaded the current version of the opera drivers from https://github.com/operasoftware/operachromiumdriver/releases.
However, I am facing two problems which I did not figure out yet.
What`s the procedure for installing the opera drivers? I ran the .exe, but only some lines in the win console appeared.
What is the right code? My latest try is:
remDr = remoteDriver(remoteServerAddr = "localhost", port = 4444, browserName = "opera",extraCapabilities = list("opera.binary" = "C:[..]/operadriver.exe"))
(I also tried remDr = remoteDriver([...] /launch.exe"))
In doing this, I got the response:
"Undefined error in httr call. httr output: Failed to connect to localhost port 4444: Connection refused"
Thanks for any suggestions.
[ Download the opera driver and Opera ]
The download process also can be automated (however not posting it here)
se <- wdman::selenium(
check = FALSE,
jvmargs = list(
opera =
"<give correct path>/operadriver.exe"
rd <- RSelenium::remoteDriver(browserName = "opera", port = 4567L)