I'm using "Advanced Scripts plugin" to modify a function of other plugin, the fuction I'm trying to modify is wrappd with if( !function_exists('some_function') ).
the function inside the plugins is like this
if( !function_exists('send-invoice') ){
function send-invoice(){
//The Plugin Invoice
This is what I did
function send-invoice(){
//My Custom Invoice
add_action('init', 'send-invoice');
How can I make sure that my code runs before the plugin codes? The plugin load before the theme, I tried plugin-loaded hook but nothing changed
If nothing else work for you you can create a custom plugin, name it something like "aaamyplugin" and just insert there a single .php file with the function you are trying to override. This is the easiest (not cleanest) way to make sure your code overrides the plugin functions.
The reason for this is because Wordpress plugin loading order is simply alphabetical, that means that everything named before the plugin you are trying to override, get loaded first.
The cleanest way would be to look into the source code of the plugin to understand how it does what it does. Like: when does it load that file that contains the function you are trying to override? That's the important question to answer if you want to go with clean way