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Numba namedtuple signature

I'm trying to specify the return type for a namedtuple in Numba and I am not able to do so. Could someone help? Consider the following minimal code:

import numba as nb
from   collections import namedtuple

NT = namedtuple('NT',['sum','sum2'])

def arrsum_njit(nn,xx):
    arraysum = 0.0
    out = NT(sum=arraysum,sum2=arraysum)
    return out

I get the error

No conversion from NT(float64 x 2) to NT(float64, float64) for '$20return_value.7', defined at None

File "", line 10:
def arrsum_njit(nn,xx):
    <source elided>
    out = NT(sum=arraysum,sum2=arraysum)
    return out

During: typing of assignment at (10)

File "", line 10:
def arrsum_njit(nn,xx):
    <source elided>
    out = NT(sum=arraysum,sum2=arraysum)
    return out


  • The problem is "overoptimized" numba compiler (bug). Add a variable of a different type to the tuple to tell the compiler to use a heterogeneous tuple (internal class).

    import numba as nb
    from   collections import namedtuple
    NT = namedtuple('NT',['sum','sum2','dummy'])
    def arrsum_njit(nn,xx):
        arraysum = 0.0
        out = NT(sum=arraysum,sum2=arraysum,dummy=1)
        return out

    Upd: Tested:

    • Numba 0.51.2/ Windows
    • Numba 0.48.0/ Google colab - Linux Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS