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Custom cell in MessageKit

I am trying to add a custom cell for gif in MessageKit, i want same as MediaMessageCell, only the difference will be the UIImageView replaced with GPHMediaView, I extended the MessageContentCell and made a CustomClass.


open class CustomChatCell: MessageContentCell {

    /// The image view display the media content.
    open var imageView: GPHMediaView = {
        let imageView = GPHMediaView()
        imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
        return imageView

    // MARK: - Methods

    /// Responsible for setting up the constraints of the cell's subviews.
    open func setupConstraints() {

    open override func setupSubviews() {

    open override func prepareForReuse() {
        self.imageView.image = nil

    open override func configure(with message: MessageType, at indexPath: IndexPath, and messagesCollectionView: MessagesCollectionView) {
        super.configure(with: message, at: indexPath, and: messagesCollectionView)

        guard let displayDelegate = messagesCollectionView.messagesDisplayDelegate else {
            fatalError("MessagesDisplayDelegate has not been set.")

        switch message.kind {
        case .custom(let mediaItem):

            guard let media = mediaItem as? GPHMedia else { return }
   = media


        displayDelegate.configureMediaMessageImageView(imageView, for: message, at: indexPath, in: messagesCollectionView)

    /// Handle tap gesture on contentView and its subviews.
    open override func handleTapGesture(_ gesture: UIGestureRecognizer) {
        let touchLocation = gesture.location(in: imageView)

        guard imageView.frame.contains(touchLocation) else {
        delegate?.didTapImage(in: self)


CustomMessagesFlowLayout and CustomMessageSizeCalculator

open class CustomMessagesFlowLayout: MessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout {

    open lazy var customMessageSizeCalculator = CustomMessageSizeCalculator(layout: self)

    open override func cellSizeCalculatorForItem(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> CellSizeCalculator {
        if isSectionReservedForTypingIndicator(indexPath.section) {
            return typingIndicatorSizeCalculator
        let message = messagesDataSource.messageForItem(at: indexPath, in: messagesCollectionView)
        if case .custom = message.kind {
            return customMessageSizeCalculator
        return super.cellSizeCalculatorForItem(at: indexPath)

    open override func messageSizeCalculators() -> [MessageSizeCalculator] {
        var superCalculators = super.messageSizeCalculators()
        // Append any of your custom `MessageSizeCalculator` if you wish for the convenience
        // functions to work such as `setMessageIncoming...` or `setMessageOutgoing...`
        return superCalculators

open class CustomMessageSizeCalculator: MessageSizeCalculator {

    public override init(layout: MessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout? = nil) {
        self.layout = layout

    open override func sizeForItem(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
        guard let layout = layout else { return .zero }
        let collectionViewWidth = layout.collectionView?.bounds.width ?? 0
        let contentInset = layout.collectionView?.contentInset ?? .zero
        let inset = layout.sectionInset.left + layout.sectionInset.right + contentInset.left + contentInset.right
        return CGSize(width: ((collectionViewWidth / 2) - inset), height: ((collectionViewWidth / 2) - inset))


Getting Result like this

The view is not there for giphy and also avatarView is not in middle, help to solve this, need same as the photo cell.


  • Try replacing your whole method

    open override func sizeForItem(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {

    with following method

    open override func messageContainerSize(for message: MessageType) -> CGSize {
         guard let layout = layout else { return .zero }
         let maxWidth = messageContainerMaxWidth(for: message)
         let contentInset = layout.collectionView?.contentInset ?? .zero
         let inset = layout.sectionInset.left + layout.sectionInset.right + contentInset.left + contentInset.right
         return CGSize(width: ((maxWidth / 2) - inset), height: ((maxWidth / 2) - inset))