I have the following files:
import configparser
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config.add_section('section 1')
config.set('section 1', 'item3', 'c')
with open('file.txt', 'w') as configFile:
[section 1]
item1 = a
item2 = b
When running main.py I want item3 = c
to just be added to section 1
without deleting any of the other items, however it results in the following file.txt
[section 1]
item3 = c
How do I fix this?
Before you add item3, try reading your existing file first! Otherwise, you're just creating a brand new configuration that will not contain the contents of the file. Also, I don't think you need to create the section, since it will be parsed when you read the existing file.