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Why are SVG images not displaying when linked from blob storage?

I have a blazor WASM site, and I am trying to display an SVG image directly from blob storage. I have tried using

<img src="" height="300"/>

but this results in a broken image link. You can see that this image is there on the server: you are able to download it by clicking on the link:

I've also tried using

<object type="image/svg+xml" src=""></object>

but this seems to cause the image to download to your device (but will still not cause it to be displayed on the page).

If I link to an image from another source, it DOES display:

<img src="" height="300" />

Why is it that I can display images from other sites, but cannot display them from my Azure CDN Blob Storage, even though these images are publicly accessible?


  • I suspect that you might need to set the content-type of the blob. By default it is application/octet-stream. See