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No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier ‘org.cocoapods.BigNumber’ is correct

App Store Connect wont let me upload my app. Seemingly no matter what I do, I get this error when uploading via Xcode directly to App Store Connect:

"No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier ‘org.cocoapods.BigNumber’ is correct."

I know that this is a well known error, but still, others solutions didn't help me. The bundle ID ( is exactly the same as in Xcode and I've updated all the pods with terminal. Currently I am filling out all the information about the App on App Store Connect, some said that would help. If so, I will let you know. If anybody has other ideas, please let me know, thanks!


  • For all those wondering: I did the thing where I had to set the product type/code or so (sorry, no access to Xcode right now) to 'APPL' (without the ''). All the time, I had it at 'AAPL' and was wondering why it didn't work. That's it :)