I have a custom .NET application to query and managing data on a Microsoft Dynamics CRM instance. This application is multilingual and the user can change via a language switch the language of the application.
For the connection and actions I'm using the OrganizationService and CRMServiceClient from Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk. This is combined with dependency injection to pass the connection to our different classes.
With Ninject this bindings look like Bind().To().WithConstructArgument("crmConnectionString","the connection string");
Querying and updating the data in Dynamics is working but we are not able to retrieve the OptionSet values and Formatted values in the language the visitor have selected in the custom app. This is always in the same language even when we change the culture for the Thread before we call Dynamics.
How can we pass the current language / culture to the OrganizationService so that it knows in what language it have to retrieve the fields?
Someone told me that this is based on the account used to connect to the CRM. So if that's indeed the case then it means that if we have 5 languages that we need to have 5 connection strings and 5 OrgnaizationService instances that need to be called. How should I handle this in a good way in that case?
Thanks for your answers
The solution I implemented was to use CallerId. Before returning the client I fill the CallerId with a Guid.
The Guid is from a user configured with a specific language in Dynamics. Based on the language I take a different user.