I am planning to implement a "simple" DTLS tool in python3, which is able to initiate (client) and accept DTLS (server) connections with a PSK as a PoC (later on i am planning to extend it to certificate-based authentication). I spent days researching libraries that offer this functionality, but i am still not sure what to use. (Any wrapper/library suggestion with documentation/examples are more than welcome).
While it is straightforward to create the DTLS Clients/Servers with the openssl binaries (for example):
openssl s_server -dtls -accept 1337 -nocert -psk deadbeef -cipher PSK-AES128-CCM8
for the server (with a specific ciphersuite) and
openssl s_client -dtls -connect -psk deadbeef -cipher PSK-AES128-CCM8
for the client, i am struggling to find do this with python. (pyopenssl offers no DTLS support) Are there any concrete examples for an implementation using a widly supported library/wrapper? (There are some Coap/IoT libraries out there focussing on the client side (aiocoap), but for my idea it is neccessary to implement both sides)
I ended up using mbedTLS (former PolarSSL). They offer a quite extensive Python3 wrapper that offering almost all of mbedTLS functionality. The readme offers a very useful DTLS sample implementation featuring authentication using a psk and/or certs.