I am searching for the solution for some weeks now. A couple weeks ago I received the new MacBook Pro with the Apple Silicon processor and with Big Sur installed on it. When I tried to install Google Cloud SDK, because I need that for my work, I get my first problem. I opened the terminal and used "curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash" to start the installation.
After I received the question if I want to help to improve Google Cloud SDK and hit 'N' this error follows. Also when I hit 'Y'...
ERROR: (gcloud.components.update) The following components are unknown [anthoscli].
On the internet I can't found something about this error. The only thing what I have found on anthoscli is that I think it has something to do with Kubernetes and/or Docker. So I tried to install Docker first, only they are not ready for Apple Silicon yet...
I can't imagine being the only one with this problem so I hope someone here can help me further.
Please follow the steps mentioned in the following Google Cloud SDK Installation Documentation to install Google Cloud SDK on MacOS:
Cloud SDK requires Python. Follow the next documentation on how to choose and configure your Python interpreter
Download the MacOS package from the Google Cloud SDK Documentation.
2.1) Extract the archive to any location on your file system. On macOS, this can be achieved by opening the downloaded .tar.gz
archive file in the preferred location.
2.2) Optional. Use the install script to add Cloud SDK tools to your path -->
2.3) Close and Open a new terminal so that the changes take effect.
2.4) Run gcloud init to initialize the SDK:
./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud init
As I can see that you have use the Google Cloud SDK Installer to install Google Cloud SDK on MacOS. Please try again the following steps to install Google Cloud SDK using the installer:
curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash
exec -l $SHELL
gcloud init
In case you want to install Google Cloud SDK through the interactive installer, and you are getting the error mentioned above, You can create an issue on Google's Public Issue Tracker for further investigation. However also please try to install the Google Cloud SDK without the installer as I mentioned before.