I have three user
vertices. Tom and Mike follow
g.addV("user").property(single,"name", "bob")
g.addV("user").property(single,"name", "tom")
g.addV("user").property(single,"name", "mike")
g.V().hasLabel("user").has("name", "tom").as("tom").V().hasLabel("user").has("name", "bob").addE("follow").from("tom")
g.V().hasLabel("user").has("name", "mike").as("mike").V().hasLabel("user").has("name", "bob").addE("follow").from("mike")
I'd like to add an alert
with edges to the users. There should be an edge from Bob to the alert
, and the alert
should have edges out to the users that follow
.has("name", "bob")
What I end up with is two alert
vertices. Bob has an edge to each of these new alert
vertices, and the alerts have edges out to Tom and Mike (the followers).
I believe this is because when I select the followers, it branches (?) the traversal and starts creating the duplicates but this is not what I want. How do I construct this traversal to make the appropriate selections but only create a single alert
vertex? What I'm trying to get is this:
| |
v v
mike tom
You are correct that the duplicates come from the fact that in('follow')
produces two traversers and thus addV('alert')
gets called multiple times. There are many way you might resolve this, but here is the approach that came immediately to mind for me:
gremlin> g.V().
......1> hasLabel("user").
......2> has("name", "bob").as("b").
......3> addV("alert").as('a').
......4> addE("alerted").from("b").
......5> select('b').
......6> in("follow").
......7> addE("alerted").from("a").iterate()
gremlin> g.V()
gremlin> g.V().elementMap()
gremlin> g.E().elementMap()