I'm trying to install Istio on AKS under our company environment, which means we need to refer to the internal proxy of docker registries, and I'm following this link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/servicemesh-istio-install?pivots=client-operating-system-macos and https://istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/istio.operator.v1alpha1/#IstioComponentSetSpec
The version of Istio I'm trying to install is 1.6.13, not 1.7.x due to 1.7.x is not compatible with Kubeflow: https://github.com/kubeflow/kubeflow/issues/5434
While constructing the IstioOperatorSpec, I'm able to get the basic to work by providing the hub argument, but I'm not able to enable addonComponents
such as grafana because they require images from different hub
. My question is, how to set hub
argument for each addonComponents
This one doesn't work since I provided hub
argument under addonComponents
apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1
kind: IstioOperator
namespace: istio-system
name: istio-control-plane
profile: default
enabled: true
I would start with that addonComponents
and IstioComponent
are 2 differents things.
According to documentation:
So AFAIK it's not possible to set hub
in addonComponents, as it's not possible to configure with ExternalComponentSpec.
As mentioned in comments by @Joel and @Rinor
Istio doesn't recommend to use their addons templates for anything else than PoC / demo purpose, they recommend that you create your own templates. Which perhaps would explain if there's no possibility to provide a specific hub. – Joel
Oh but the addons are removed from Istio, he'd have to manually replace the images in the samples if he's going to use those.
That's actually the answer to your question, if you want to configure addons, change images, add things like persistence or advanced security settings you should consider creating your own addons and configure them with istio.
There are the addons yamls, you can use it as a reference to build your own setup.
Note that with istio 1.8 installation of addons with istioctl have been removed.
As mentioned here:
Istio 1.8: Installation of addons by istioctl is removed.
Removed the bundled addon installations from istioctl and the operator. Istio does not install components that are not delivered by the Istio project. As a result, Istio will stop shipping installation artifacts related to addons. However, Istio will guarantee version compatibility where necessary. It is the user’s responsibility to install these components by using the official Integrations documentation and artifacts provided by the respective projects. For demos, users can deploy simple YAML files from the samples/addons/ directory.