I have a np.array with shape (300,300) with complex values a+bj. I would like to transform each element to the polar form Rexp{jO}
I've tryied
But doesn't work for array, so I try something like that
complexe = np.zeros((len(data),len(data[0])))
count_arr = 0
for arr in data:
count_item = 0
for itm in arr:
complexe[count_arr][count_item] = cmath.polar(itm)
count_item = count_item +1
count_arr = count_arr +1
It doesn't work because the output of cmath.polar is a tuple (I think).
I am a beginner in python so any help will be welcome!
you can get your R and O directly in numpy:
R = np.abs(z), O = np.angle(z)