i am currently working on a project with the Elastic stack for a log monitoring system. The logs i have to load are in a specific format so i have to write my own logstash scripts to read them. In particular one type of logs where i have a date in the start of the file and the timestamp in each of the other lines has no date, my goal is to extract the date from the first line and add it to all the next ones, after some research i found that the aggregate filter can help but i can't get it to work, here is my config file :
file {
path => "F:/ELK/data/testFile.txt"
#path => "F:/ELK/data/*/request/*"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "NUL"
mutate {
add_field => { "taskId" => "all" }
match => {"message" => "-- %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE}: %{DAY}, %{MONTH:month} %{MONTHDAY:day}, %{YEAR:year}%{GREEDYDATA}"}
tag_on_failure => ["not_date_line"]
if "not_date_line" not in [tags]
replace => {'taskId' => "%{day}/%{month}/%{year}"}
remove_field => ["day","month","year"]
task_id => "%{taskId}"
code => "map['taskId'] = event.get('taskId')"
map_action => "create"
mapping => { message => "%{sequence_index} %{time} %{pid} %{puid} %{stack_level} %{operation} %{params} %{op_type} %{form_event} %{op_duration}"}
aggregate {
task_id => "%{taskId}"
code => "event.set('taskId', map['taskId'])"
map_action => "update"
timeout => 0
strip => ["op_duration"]
replace => {"time" => "%{taskId}-%{time}"}
remove_field => ['@timestamp','host','@version','path','message','tags']
the scripts reads the date correctly but then doesn't work to replace the value in the other events :
"taskId" => "22/October/2020"
"pid" => "45",
"sequence_index" => "10853799",
"op_type" => "1",
"time" => "all-16:23:29:629",
"params" => "90",
"stack_level" => "0",
"op_duration" => "",
"operation" => "10",
"form_event" => "0",
"taskId" => "all",
"puid" => "1724"
I am using only one worker to ensure the order of the events is kept intact , if you know of any other way to achieve this i'm open to suggestions, thank you !
Thanks to @Badger and some other post he answered on the elastic forum, i found a solution using a single ruby filter and an instance variable, couldn't get it to work with the aggregate filter but that is not an issue for me.
init => '@date = ""'
code => "
event.set('date',@date) unless @date.empty?
@date = event.get('date') unless event.get('date').empty?