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How do you properly return `null` from a generic marked with [return:MaybeNull]?

In Microsoft's nullability documentation, there appears to be conflicting information.

On this page, it says the following (important part in bold/italic):

Generic definitions and nullability

Correctly communicating the null state of generic types and generic methods requires special care. The extra care stems from the fact that a nullable value type and a nullable reference type are fundamentally different. An int? is a synonym for Nullable<int>, whereas string? is string with an attribute added by the compiler. The result is that the compiler can't generate correct code for T? without knowing if T is a class or a struct.

This fact doesn't mean you can't use a nullable type (either value type or reference type) as the type argument for a closed generic type. Both List<string?> and List<int?> are valid instantiations of List.

What it does mean is that you can't use T? in a generic class or method declaration without constraints. For example, Enumerable.FirstOrDefault<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) won't be changed to return T?. You can overcome this limitation by adding either the struct or class constraint. With either of those constraints, the compiler knows how to generate code for both T and T?.

Ok, so if you want to use T? in a generic, you have to constrain it to either a struct or class. simple enough.

But Then in the following page, they say this (again, emphasis in bold/italic):

Specify post-conditions: MaybeNull and NotNull

Suppose you have a method with the following signature:

public Customer FindCustomer(string lastName, string firstName)

You've likely written a method like this to return null when the name sought wasn't found. The null clearly indicates that the record wasn't found. In this example, you'd likely change the return type from Customer to Customer?. Declaring the return value as a nullable reference type specifies the intent of this API clearly.

For reasons covered under Generic definitions and nullability that technique does not work with generic methods. You may have a generic method that follows a similar pattern:

public T Find<T>(IEnumerable<T> sequence, Func<T, bool> predicate)

You can't specify that the return value is T? [but the] method returns null when the sought item isn't found. Since you can't declare a T? return type, you add the MaybeNull annotation to the method return:

[return: MaybeNull]
public T Find<T>(IEnumerable<T> sequence, Func<T, bool> predicate)

The preceding code informs callers that the contract implies a non-nullable type, but the return value may actually be null. Use the MaybeNull attribute when your API should be a non-nullable type, typically a generic type parameter, but there may be instances where null would be returned.


Even copying that code straight from the documentation and giving it a default implementation that simply returns null, it won't compile!

[return: MaybeNull]
public T Find<T>(IEnumerable<T> sequence, Func<T, bool> predicate)
    => null;

I tried the null-forgiving operator, null!, also mentioned in the first-linked page (under the section 'Initialize the property to null') but that didn't work. You can't use default either because that doesn't return null for value types like int which return zero instead as shown here:

[return: MaybeNull]
public static T Find<T>(IEnumerable<T> sequence, Func<T, bool> predicate)
    => default;

var seq = new []{ 1, 2, 3 };
bool MyPredicate(int value) => false;
var x = Find(seq, MyPredicate);
Console.WriteLine($"X is {x}");


X is 0

So what am I missing here? How do you successfully implement their example code without resorting to using T? which requires type-constraining it to either class or struct? And if you did have to do that, then what's the point of MaybeNull?


  • Ok, so unfortunately, thanks to the difference between a nullable reference type and a nullable value type--a limitation that something like Swift doesn't have--what I'm after is not supported by C#.

    Instead, as mentioned in my other answer, because of this you shouldn't use the 'returning null means no match' pattern. Instead, you should use a try-based pattern that returns a boolean and utilizes an out parameter for the value of interest (if any). Inside, you still use default (so you don't have to constrain T) but you have that extra boolean telling you whether the default itself should be ignored or not. This way will properly work for both class and struct types, and more importantly, for types such as int where the default is not null, but rather zero, it will help you differentiate between a predicate indicating it matched zero (return = true) or there was no passing predicate (return = false) and you can ignore that zero.

    The trick is in using the NotNullWhen attribute to tell callers that the out parameter will never be null when the return value of the function is true, so as long as you check the return value before accessing the out parameter, you don't also have to check for null, and code-flow analysis will not display 'possible null' warnings either.

    Here's the refactor of the above function...

    public static bool TryFind<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, Func<T, bool> predicate, [NotNullWhen(true)] out T result){
        foreach(var item in items){
                result = item;
                return true;
        result = default;
        return false;

    Time to go refactor some old code!