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EasyAdmin3: two-column concept (bootstrap) on edit form


I'm using EasyAdmin3 (Symfony 5) and I would like to have a two-column concept in the EDIT-View. The code below is "reducing" the width of a block correctly to 50%, but they are not next to each other.

class PersonCrudController extends AbstractCrudController {

    public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable {

        yield FormField::addPanel('Block 1')->setCssClass('col-sm-6');

        yield FormField::addPanel('Block 2')->setCssClass('col-sm-6');



I quess, I need to surround it with a DIV-element containing class="row". But how?

Any idea, what I can do? Thanks!


  • My workaround

    I decided to solve it with JavaScript. So I checked the HTML-Code for the name of the FORM and inject with JavaScript the row-class to this element. The JavaScript-file needs to be populated via the Dashboad-Controller (to be reusable for additional elements in future).


    // call functions once page is loaded
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
        addClassToElement('edit-Person-form', 'row');
    function addClassToElement(elementName, className) {
        let element = document.getElementById(elementName);
        if (element != null) {


    public function configureAssets(): Assets {
        $assets = parent::configureAssets();
        return $assets;


    class PersonCrudController extends AbstractCrudController {
        public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable {
            yield FormField::addPanel('Block 1')->setCssClass('col-sm-6');
            yield FormField::addPanel('Block 2')->setCssClass('col-sm-6');