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Vuejs - v-bind.sync on resursive components (hierarchical list)

I have a hierarchical list component where child items have checkboxes. Checkbox actions(check/uncheck) must keep the parent component in sync with the checkbox's changed state. I cannot figure out how to achieve this using v-bind.sync recursively. My code is as below:


This component holds the hierarchical list. (Only relevant code included)

  1. HierarchicalCheckboxList is the component that displays the hierarchical list
  2. Property 'value' holds the check/uncheck value (true/false)
  3. Property 'children' contains the child list items

How do I define the .sync attribute on HierarchicalCheckboxList and with what parameter?

      v-for="link in links"
    import HierarchicalCheckboxList from 'components/HierarchicalCheckboxList'

    data () {
       return {
          links: [{
             id: 1,
             title: 'Home',
             caption: 'Feeds, Dashboard & more',
             icon: 'account_box',
             level: 0,
             children: [{
               id: 2,
               title: 'Feeds',
               icon: 'feeds',value: true,
               level: 1,
               children: [{
                  id: '3',
                  title: 'Dashboard',
                  icon: 'settings',
                  value: true,
                  level: 1
    methods: {
      primaryCheckChanged (d) {
        // A child's checked state is propogated till here


This component calls itself recursively:

    <div v-if="children != undefined && children.length == 0">
      <q-item clickable v-ripple :inset-level="level" :to="goto">
    <div v-else>
      <div v-if="children != undefined && children.length > 0">
        <!-- {{children}} -->
            <template v-slot:header>
                {{ title }}
              <q-item-section side>
                <div class="row items-center">
                  <q-btn icon="add" dense flat color="secondary"></q-btn>
            v-for="child in children"
      <!-- to="/admin/user/user" -->
      <div v-else>
        <q-item clickable v-ripple :inset-level="level">
            <q-checkbox :label="title" v-model="selection" />
export default {
  name: 'HierarchicalCheckboxList',
  props: {
    id: { type: String, required: true },
    title: { type: String, required: false },
    caption: { type: String, default: '' },
    icon: { type: String, default: '' },
    value: { type: Boolean, default: false },
    level: { type: Number, default: 0 },
    children: { type: Array }
  data () {
    return {
      localValue: this.$props.value
  computed: {
    selection: {
      get: function () {
        return this.localValue
      set: function (newvalue) {
        this.localValue = newvalue
        this.$emit('checked', this.localValue) 
        // or this.$emit('checked', {id: this.$, value: this.localValue })
  methods: {
    primaryCheckChanged (d) {
      this.$emit('checked', d)

What works so far

As a work-around I am able to get the checkbox state emitted with $emit('checked'), which I use to send it to the next process. But the parent's state is not updated until I refresh it back from the database.

How do I update the parent component's state using v-bind.sync recursively?

Appreciate any help!!


enter image description here


  • Figured out how to do it after I broke the code down from the whole 2000 line code to a separate 'trial-n-error' code of 20 lines and then things became simple and clear.


    A few changes in the parent component in the HierarchicalCheckboxList declaration: Note the sync property

       v-for="child in children"


    Change the same line of code in the child component (as its recursive)

         v-for="child in children"

    And in the computed set property, emit as below:

       this.$emit('update:u', this.localValue)

    That's it - parent n children components now stay in snyc.