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apexcharts Radial Charts font size

Im using apexcharts to my website, I have some conflict , anyone know how to change font size of value and labels put the bottom and value put the center

code here


var options = {
          series: [70],
          chart: {
          height: 350,
          type: 'radialBar',
        plotOptions: {
          radialBar: {
            hollow: {
              size: '70%',
        labels: ['Cricket'],

        var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#chart"), options);


  • Do refer the documentation for formatting the data labels and their corresponding values. Following properties can be overridden in your chart options to set the font size and positioning.

    plotOptions: {
      dataLabels: {
        name: {  // label name, eg: "Cricket"
         fontSize: '<font size in px>' // default: 16px; change to preferred size
         offsetY: <position offset from top> // +ve for downward, -ve for upward direction> // default: -10; change to >120 to push the label down
        value: {  // label value, eg: "70%"
          fontSize: '<font size in px>' // default: 14px; change to required size
          offsetY: <position offset from top> // default: +16; set to 0 to center the value

    Here's the CodePen with above settings modified to set the label at bottom of the plot, and value centered.