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Can't figure out Scalar Variable Error when Altering Procedure

I have an existing sql server stored procedure, that I'm trying to update. Every time I run Alter Procedure on it, I get the following error:

SQL Error: Must declare the scalar variable "@varOne".

I've Googled around but nothing that I can find helps out with how to get past this error... :/ Procedure below:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_test] (
  -- Declare
  @varOne tinyint,
  @varTwo numeric(17,0)
) As

Set NoCount On
-- Select
Select  *
Into    #t
From    SQL_Test.dbo.trans with (nolock)
Where   test>=123
    And Case @varOne When 1 Then rNo  When 2 Then iNo  When 3 Then sNo End = @varTwo

Select  *
From    SQL_Test.dbo.trsave with (nolock)
Where   date_time > DateAdd(dd, -60, GetDate())
    And Case @varOne When 1 Then rNo  When 2 Then iNo  When 3 Then sNo End = @varTwo

EDIT: I solved the problem by dropping the original procedure, and recreating it. Still curious why the alter would not work. Guessing it is caused by the client using SQL Server 2012.


  • I solved the problem by dropping the original procedure, and recreating it. Still curious why the alter would not work. Guessing it is caused by the client using SQL Server 2012.