I'm using the discord.py rewrite and aiohttp. There is very little documentation for this API, and from what I've seen, I haven't seen a "next_page" link anywhere in the response.
How do I make it so that all pages of the json response are considered when the query is executed instead of just the default first page?
Here's my current relevant code:
async def command(ctx, *, name):
if not name:
return await ctx.channel.send('Uhhhh. How am I supposed to show you info if you don\'t enter a name?')
async with ctx.channel.typing():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as cs:
async with cs.get("https://website.items.json") as r:
data = await r.json()
listings = data["items"]
for k in listings:
if name.lower() == k["name"].lower():
await ctx.channel.send("message with results and player info as ascertained in the above code")```
You simply take the max number of pages and iterate it. The final url would be like this.
Here is how you set up the loop
for page_number in range(1,total_pages):
url = f'https://theshownation.com/mlb20/apis/items.json?page={page_number}'
The full implementation is like this.
async def card(ctx, *, player_name):
if not player_name:
return await ctx.channel.send('Uhhhh. How am I supposed to show you player info if you don\'t enter a player name?')
async with ctx.channel.typing():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as cs:
for page_number in range(1, 20):
async with cs.get(f"https://theshownation.com/mlb20/apis/items.json?page={page_number}") as r:
data = await r.json()
listings = data["items"]
for k in listings:
if player_name.lower() == k["name"].lower():
return await ctx.channel.send("message with results and player info as ascertained in the above code")
await ctx.send('Sorry could not find him')