I am trying to create a bridge with Azure IoT Hub. The configuration of mosquitto bridge is following:
connection Azure
address <my_hub_name>.azure-devices.net:8883
# error | information | notice | warning | all | debug
log_dest stdout
log_type all
## Auth Info
remote_username <my_hub_name>.azure-devices.net/<my_dev_name>/?api-version=2018-06-30
remote_password <SAS>
remote_clientid <my_dev_name>
bridge_cafile cert.pem
## some config
try_private false
cleansession true
start_type automatic
bridge_insecure false
bridge_protocol_version mqttv311
bridge_tls_version tlsv1.2
notifications false
## Topics
topic devices/<my_dev_name>/messages/events/# out
And I get the following output:
Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.
Bridge local.<my_dev_name> doing local SUBSCRIBE on topic devices/<my_dev_name>/messages/events/#
Connecting bridge Azure (<my_hub_name>.azure-devices.net:8883)
Bridge <my_dev_name> sending CONNECT
Received CONNACK on connection local.<my_dev_name>.
Bridge local.<my_dev_name> sending UNSUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: devices/<my_dev_name>/messages/events/#)
Received UNSUBACK from local.<my_dev_name>
Socket error on client local.<my_dev_name>, disconnecting.
Bridge local.<my_dev_name> doing local SUBSCRIBE on topic devices/<my_dev_name>/messages/events/#
Connecting bridge Azure (<my_hub_name>.azure-devices.net:8883)
Bridge <my_dev_name> sending CONNECT
Received CONNACK on connection local.<my_dev_name>.
Bridge local.<my_dev_name> sending UNSUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: devices/<my_dev_name>/messages/events/#)
Received UNSUBACK from local.<my_dev_name>
Socket error on client local.<my_dev_name>, disconnecting.
Wireshark shows that for unknown reason Azure sends me a packet with FIN bit set, which results into connection reset.
At the same time mosquitto_pub is able to send a packet with same parameters (host, username, password). The utility mosquitto_sub also works without errors, but does not receive any of messages published by mosquitto_pub.
Spent several days trying to figure out the correct configuration without any success (including, of course, search on stackoverflow). I will be very appreciated for any hints.
As far as I know, nobody could connect to our IoT Hub before, so probably there maybe an issue with created hub. Unfortunately, learn.microsoft.com looks more like a quest rather than a help. EDITED: corrected the topic parameter in configuration from "in" to "out".
As inferred from the comments.
The problem will be that the 2 bridges will have generated the same client id.
Client IDs need to be unique across all clients connected to the broker. If a second client connects with the same client id the spec says the broker must disconnect the fist one.
The disconnected client then tries to reconnect and this results in the other broker being kicked off, which then starts a feedback loop with each client kicking the other off as it reconnects.